Hemp Jewelry - Hippie and Fashionable

Hemp is a goods that comes from plants of the genus Cannabis. It has a vast array of applications including use as a foodstuff/dietary supplement, for corrective purposes, industrial purposes (making papers, textiles, plastics etc) and for the found of clothing. Other of the most ordinarily used applications of hemp is in the creation of hemp jewelry. The properties of hemp make it ideal for this purpose, and as a result, these Eco gems are greatly loved by many individuals.

Hemp jewelry comes in all distinct shapes, sizes and forms. It offers something for every person and offers something absorbing and distinct from most jewelry dealers. Examples contain bracelets, necklaces and body jewelry.

Hippy Clothes

Hemp jewelry was popular while the '60s when hippie culture was at its height. These days it still exists, and although it is not as popular as it was back in the '60s, it still has a strong market, especially on the internet, with many associates devoting their whole shop to the sale of the product.

Most often, hemp jewelry is made from hemp twine. Hemp twine is a strong, biodegradable twine that was (and still is) a popular selection for the found of cordage. Hemp twine feels plane against the skin, and it is this potential - among others - that makes it the perfect material for use as jewelry.

There are many techniques for development hemp jewelry. Crochet, weaving, beading (and others) - the technique used depends on the desired product. distinct types of pieces are popular with distinct people. Males tend to prefer simpler jewelry and females often opt for products with beads and more attractive features, although hemp jewelry can be relatively genderless.

Individuals may have a collection of reasons for purchasing hemp jewelry. They may have been part of the hippie movement and therefore purchase it for the nostalgia value, or they may enjoy products in general from that era. A big calculate for choosing this type of jewelry is that it is Eco friendly. It can be very absorbing and, because it is made from hemp twine, feels more natural than other pieces.

The organic nature of the goods may also motion to some individuals, since hemp contains no synthetic materials and is biodegradable. Some citizen may be attracted to this type of jewelry as it offers a "unique" and "different" quality. Anything the calculate for purchasing hemp pieces, it is a goods that's been popular for a long time and will continue to do so in the future.

Hemp Jewelry - Hippie and Fashionable